
8 tips to improve sales in your clothing store

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8 tips to improve sales in your clothing store

If you own a clothing store or are looking to invest in opening one, you’ve come to the right place!

This article aims to clarify the possibilities for improvements in a clothing store, with the aim of increasing the sales of the business.

For this type of segment, the role of the salesperson is essential for the goals to be met. After all, this is what a store is for: selling! Right?

However, to achieve this goal, it is not enough to just have products to be offered. A number of factors can influence a store’s sales performance, and we’re going to work on them.

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1. Clearly define your goal

Before making any decisions regarding your strategies, it is important to keep in mind what your store’s real objective is.

Some clothing stores try to offer all kinds of products to all possible audiences.

However, some stores tend to be more segmented, focusing on a specific target audience.

For example, some stores specialize in swimwear, others focus on plus size clothing. Others are segmenting their stocks for social clothing. Others are geared towards children’s clothing.

The possibilities are countless and it is important to know what your segment is.

What audience do you want to talk to? What type of product do you want to offer?

As soon as this issue is clear and solid for the entrepreneur, strategic planning for your business becomes possible.

Therefore, it is extremely important to give due attention to this step.

There is a technique called 5W2H, which basically brings together the following questions:

What -> What should I do?

Why -> Why should I do it?

Where -> Where should I do it?

When -> When should I do it?

Who -> Who will do it?

How -> How will it be done?

How Much -> How much will it cost?

When these questions are answered, you will have a more concise view of what you need to do.

Sample answer:

We need to burn off the winter stock as we move into summer. Because the parts are out of stock and we need to make room for the stations parts. We are going to display the products in the X window, which is more visible to passersby, in addition to separating a space in the store with signs calling for the burning. Let’s start on day X. I’m in charge of making the firing plates while so-and-so will organize the window and sicrana will organize the products inside the store. We are going to publicize the burning on social networks to attract customers who do not usually visit the store. The action will cost X reais.

2. Position your brand

We often remember brands that are etched in our memory because of their placement.

We know that some brands are references for some ideas.

This positioning is most often a reflection of the positioning of its creators.

For example: some brands are aimed at strengthening environmental awareness and carry this ideal with them in all forms of advertising they create.

Others, on the other hand, seek to dialogue with contemporary issues and develop a discourse based on these points, as is the case with brands that are currently working with images typical of the LGBTQ++ culture, for example.

The important thing is to find your positioning and, through your brand, help customers know who you and your store are.

Through a clear positioning, you can plan to create strategies and actions based on this argument, making your customer understand better about your brand and identify more with your product.

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3. Delight customers with a team aligned with your positioning

It is very common to enter a clothing store, to come across attendants who are standing beside us, “on hand” for any question.

This is not a negative thing – although it often creates some pressure for customers to take some test or purchase action – but it is a passive behavior that does not add to the experience of those who enter your store.

If you work with a specific market segment, it is important that your agents go beyond passiveness when serving a customer.

For example, if your segment is sportswear, your attendants should know more about the universe your brand is part of: interesting tips for running better, taking care of your body, clothes that are ideal for each specific sport, etc.

If your segment is social clothing, a little knowledge about color psychology can be a difference when it comes to indicating a tie to match a suit, or a shoe to be used with a specific dress, etc.

The ideal is to constantly assess whether the profile of your establishment is in dialogue with the profile of your audience, as feeling represented by a brand certainly results in more loyalty and, consequently, more sales.

4. Listen to your customers

The first step in considering the customer experience as a transformative point for your company’s culture is to practice empathy.

By practicing empathy, you put yourself in the customer’s shoes and start thinking about the ideal strategies to transform the customer’s experience into the best possible.

You must also know the profile of this customer in order to guide them through the purchase process in your store.

What would he like to find? What is the ideal arrangement of products within your store space?

These questions will make you understand what your client needs, what are their pains and how you can best help them.

Aligning your customer’s expectations with your actions and strategies will also result in more sales.

After all, with care and dedication, it is possible to carry out an empathetic work that will allow your store to be more than a simple product exhibitor and become a solution capable of meeting specific demands.

A good way to understand the customer’s universe and insert yourself in their reality is to approach them in a humane way. So, how about analyzing your customer list and inviting the most recurrent ones for coffee or lunch?

5. Encourage your team to be humanized

We know that every store and businesses in general have as their main objective to sell in good quantities.

However, a store is not just about the merchandise it offers. There are other factors that directly influence the customer experience and one of them is, certainly, the service.

One question: have you ever been to a place and, because of the poor service, you never forgot this experience?

It is common to record in our memory significant moments that were negative, even more often than we record positive ones.

Negative experiences with service are usually passed on among acquaintances by word of mouth and believe me: it is a factor of great influence to discourage people from going to your establishment.

Therefore, work on points in your team that are essential for building a good experience.

Your agents must be friendly and interested in the customer’s journey. They should also be solicitous and not pressure the customer to take any action, leaving them free to go over everything they need.

Sales goals, therefore, should only be a consequence of good service. It might be interesting to create new goals so that customer success is a common goal for everyone.

For example, you can create targets for the number of phone calls made to customers (it’s a good way to gather feedback and survey customer satisfaction), praise received for customer service, and so on.

These attitudes are as valuable as closing a sale itself. So, encourage your sellers to work on all these factors. You will notice the change in both your team and your customers!

6. Work your store’s physical space well

We are increasingly aware of the weight of visual language in our society.

The use of social networks reflects a large part of this issue: the content most consumed by users is image or video.

This is because, through a well-crafted aesthetic, we are able to convey subjective concepts that could hardly be described so effectively in words.

Colors are linked to sensations, as well as the distribution of elements in space can cause different reactions, depending on what you want to go through.

So, think carefully about the distribution of items and plan how you expect the first impression of your store to be: the window is a decisive element for this.

The same is true if you only have e-commerce: clothes are already more problematic items to be sold over the internet, as many people prefer to touch and wear to see if they really fit.

So, if this is your segment, try to put real and good quality photos of your products, so that they come as close as possible to reality.

Your social networks are your showcase, so take care of them! Invest in a tidy, well-distributed feed and remember to always interact with users who come in contact with your brand.

And if you have a physical store but you are not on the internet, it’s time to change that.

Even if you don’t sell products over the internet, try to build your brand on social networks, as it is from this presence that you can work on your brand’s personality!


7. Build customer loyalty

As we talked about earlier, negative experiences are often more striking than positive ones.

People who have a bad experience in an establishment tend to pass on the experience much more than those who were well attended and satisfied.

That’s why it’s important to keep your customers happy. This, of course, is not just about closing a sale.

In fact, what weighs most on this issue is the relationship that is created in the after-sales.

It’s important to captivate your audience and it can be done in a number of ways.

You can, for example, work with exclusive gifts for customers, or even contact them on your own to investigate whether they are satisfied with the products and the service provided.

Also consider encouraging customers to spread your brand through loyalty campaigns. Referrals can convert to sales and secure discounts for your most loyal customers.

There are several ways to create loyalty programs and this needs to come from the store’s financial managers.

After all, we can’t give discounts without actually knowing we can afford them. Just as we cannot invest in gifts without having working capital available for this type of action.

8. Control your sales!

A significant increase in sales results in a greater need to control these sales.

After all, what’s the point of selling more if you don’t know if you’re really getting everything you’ve sold?

Stores that accept cards make many sales in installments. Keeping track of how much goes into your account each month is essential for you to make future investments in your business.

Many entrepreneurs bet on the assertiveness of spreadsheets to carry out this control.

The problem is that spreadsheets are operated by humans and therefore can contain human error.

The scenario becomes even more complex when working with more than one acquirer.

There are several little machines, each operator agrees a different rate with you and in the end, many times, you don’t even know that a higher rate was charged for some sales.

Over time, certain differences can be costly for the entrepreneur who…

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