
50 haircuts for boys

50 haircuts for boys

50 haircuts for boys

They have a lot of style and charm, they choose clothes, shoes… it was already the time when only girls liked to produce. The boys now also choose how they want their haircut! Whether following fashion or choosing what they think is coolest.

Below are options for all types of hair, straight, curly, wavy… very short, long, with topknot.

Here at home, everyone has a style, while Gabriel likes his hair longer, Daniel prefers it shorter, but with bangs… so, what does your son’s head do?

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

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haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

haircut for boys

All images were taken from Pinterest, to check out many other inspirations, follow the blog profile over there!


Discover more articles in our categories Hairstyles & Luxe & 90s Outfits.

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