
50 gospel song phrases: we gather the BEST!

50 gospel song phrases: we gather the BEST!

50 gospel song phrases: we gather the BEST!

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50 gospel song phrases: we gather the BEST!50 gospel song phrases: we gather the BEST!

for you who love listening to gospel music to feel the presence of God, you will love these music phrases. The truth is, songs have the power to bring us closer to God.

The lyrics of gospel songs are much more than just words in a melody, they also have the power to bring countless teachings about love and faith in God.

Thinking about it, we selected great gospel song phrases for you to strengthen the bonds with the Creator of all things. Take this opportunity to reflect on God’s word for you.

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50 Gospel Music Phrases

Check out an excellent list of phrases taken from gospel songs for you to be emotional and have more fellowship with God. Listen to the best songs that connect you with the Creator.

My heart thirsts for you, my King and my God! – Fernandinho.

The moment may even fade from memory, but there is a God in heaven who does not despise your story! – Samuel Mariano.

So that I can live, your life He delivered. – Marina Friesen.

God’s plans are greater than yours. – Black in white.

I don’t follow what I see, but I follow what I believe! – Fernandinho.

My faith will take me further. – Samuel Nephew.

Make the joy of the Lord your strength. – Fernandinho.

My strength is in you. – Bruna Carla.

My God is the God of the impossible. – Aline Barros.


If I could color the sky, I would tell you how much I love you. – Pamela.

I confess. it’s hard to hide. I hide my smile if I see you. – Elyssa Gomes.

Until one day inside the bus happened, our lives met, thank you my God. – Willian Nascimento.

I woke up and saw that your name was well guarded and protected in God for me! – Aline Barros.

In addition to being a boyfriend, you are a friend, give up dreams to dream of me. – Bruna Karla.

135 Christian Phrases to bring you reflection and IMPACT your faith

I feel so loved. This is good for our hearts, when there is someone to share a great love. – Bruna Karla.

Come warm my cold heart with Your Love. – André Valadão.

I’m living in this world, but what I want is to find You. That’s why I ask more than anything: come back! – Daniela Araújo.

Your love found and changed my life. – Dunamis Music.

Your love makes me so good… It changed me. – Anayle Sullivan.

Blessed Gospel Music Phrases

I learned to adore you for who you are. – Delino Marçal.

No prayer offered in faith is in vain. – Bianca Toledo.

When I think it’s my end, You have a new beginning. – David Sacer.

The God I serve is faithful, He does not fail! – Fred Haven.

Can’t you see that the giant is much smaller than the hand of God? – Anderson Freire.

I can’t spend my time on things that get lost in the wind. – Bruna Karla.

It feels so good to be smiling when everything is going well! – Bruna Karla.

72 sentences by Father Fábio de Melo that are IMPACTING

God hid me right under his wings. – Sarah Farias.

My lawyer lives in heaven. True and fair, forever faithful! – Bruna Karla.

I have the mark of love on me and it shines, shines wherever it goes! – Jotta A.

Open wide the doors of your heart and let the light of heaven enter. – Luiz de Carvalho.


Inspirational Gospel Music Phrases

I’ve seen fire and earthquakes, a strong wind that has passed, I’ve lived through so many dangers, but Your voice calmed me down. — Voice of Truth, The Shield.

I may be hurt, but I have not been defeated, I am protected by my God. — Kemilly Santos, The Door to My Room.

Father, a request I must make: don’t let me forget where I left, what I came for, your purpose I must fulfill. — Delino Marçal, Guard My Heart.

15 Bible Verses for Birthday: Bless those you LOVE!

It’s worth waiting on God, I’ll never stop worshiping, He’s already given me what I need to make me happy in Him. — Jairo Bonfim, My Contentment.

Your Presence is my place and nothing will separate me from Your love. — Gabriela Rocha (part. Júlia Vitória), Tuas Águas.

Because the Lord is my greatest good. – André Valadão.

Perfect me, mold my heart, hear the sound that flows from my worship! – Rachel Novaes.

And whoever humbled you will see God exalt you, and everyone will know that God is with you! – Cassiane.

When God wants to act, no one can stop it! – Elaine Silva.

I won’t care what the world says, the important thing is what my God thinks of me! – Damares.

Cheerful Gospel Music Phrases

How many times mistreated, persecuted and humiliated, but you have value, forgotten, despised, betrayed and hurt, but you have value. —Damars, Precious.

We’ve never had so much, and we’ve never been so dissatisfied. — Marcela Taís, It Will Pass Fast.

Before I breathe, you breathed Your life into me, You’ve been so, so good to me. — Isaiah Saad, Daring Love.

Because, in fact, I’ve found that everything I need is in You.—Zoe Ministry, Quiet Minh’alma.

Savior God, in the midst of my pain, you came to rescue me. Oh, there on Calvary in darkness, you died to give us life. — Kemuel, Me Too (100 Billion X).

I give you all glory and dominion forever. — Lilian Lopes, Gloria and Domain.

BE GRATEFUL: 80 verses to use in any form of GRATITUDE!

Firm my steps, You are my Rock, a very present help, in the midst of tribulations. — Anny Theyler, I Am Strong.

But I survived like the lone eagle and luck, again, smiled at me, God hid me right under his wings. — Sarah Farias, I survived.

To Him the glory, to Him the honor and praise. — Midian Lima, Job.

By faith I can see the impossible, I already see the miracle that I know I’m going to live. — Reborn Praise, By Faith.


Exciting Gospel Music Phrases

There’s something good coming, there’s something happening and it doesn’t matter what I suffered, what matters is that I survived. — Sarah Farias, I survived.

Only those who have roots can support what I supported, only those who have roots can stand to cry what I cried. — Sarah Farias, Only Who Has Root.

I immerse myself in the burning myrrh, but I ask Your presence to increase. — Fernanda Brum, What Your Glory Did to Me.

I was trained for battle and that’s why I don’t surrender, the more the enemy affronts me, the more I worship and win. — Elaine de Jesus, Heart of the Warrior.

40 Verses on FEAR to overcome at once!

Paddling against the wind, stagnant in the same place, if I bother to dress the lilies of the field and their colors, it’s Myself that I chose, I’m the God who feeds even the birds. —Leandro Borges, Psst.

I don’t see You, oh God, but I know You’re here. I don’t see You with my vision, but I can feel You inside my heart. — Mariana Aguiar, I don’t see you, but I feel you.

Believe that He is in control of everything. — Luã Freitas, Nothing Is In Vain.

So, I will believe even without seeing, because faithful is Your word, O my God. — Bruna Karla, Between Faith and Reason.

I give my life today on your altar, because I love you. — Isadora Pompeo, I Know It’s Coming

Where will I go, my Lord? Your love attracts me. — Fernandinho, Take me.


Impacting Gospel Music Phrases

It is only necessary to understand that nothing is in vain, if it is not a blessing, it is a lesson. — Luã Freitas, Nothing Is In Vain.

The cloud that points to destiny is the same one that covers the past, the bread that satisfies my hunger, the rock that quenches my thirst is You. — Ministry Morada, It’s All About You.

God knows your structure, knows what he’s doing. Even if it’s hard, don’t stop, He’s watching. — Midian Lima, Don’t Stop.

Why not talk to God now? If forgive frees, why delay? — Marcela Taís, It Will Pass Fast.

At Your feet I surrender, because I want to see Your glory. — Gabriela Rocha, Secret Place.

60 verses on HUMILITY to be someone better

Because He lives, I can believe in tomorrow. — Christian Harp, Because He Lives.

If you chose to surrender everything, I also see eight billion ways to love each child you died to save, if you gave your life for them, so would I. — Kemuel, Me Too (100 Billion X).

I am facing You, even far from Jerusalem, having the window open is believing that from You the answer comes. — Gisele Nascimento (part. Anderson Freire), Da Janela Pra Deus.

In His name hell trembles, in His name the lame walk, and in His name the blind see, and in His name the dead live. — André Aquino (part. Gabriela Rocha), In Your Name.

In You, I am more than a winner. — Anderson Freire, The Glory Is Yours.

did you like the gospel music phrases? So don’t waste any more time and share with your friends and family. It gives people who love a beautiful reflection on God’s love for us through the songs.

Cláudio Bernardo has a degree in technology, a web writer and a passion for history fiction books. In his spare time he enjoys studying and writing articles about general knowledge and playing classical guitar.

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