
5 tips for those with a high cut to make their hair prettier and with movement

5 tips for those with a high cut to make their hair prettier and with movement

The embroidered cut maintains the peaked effect without removing the length.

One of the biggest problems for those who have the cut cut in layers or at the ends is that, eventually, quite unpleasant problems arise, such as the dreaded split ends. Among one of the alternatives to end this, we can highlight the embroidered cut, which is a technique that consists of removing split ends and frizz without changing the length of the threads. In other words, a great solution to keep the peaked effect without reducing the size, right?

To improve, it is possible to learn how to make the cut at home: just separate the dry hair into 4 parts and secure it with an elastic band or barrette. Then choose one of the parts and divide it into strands by hand. Take strand by strand and stretch as far as you can. Then, just get some very sharp scissors and suitable for hair and cut the ends that get frizzy. Repeat the procedure on all parts.

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